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A crucial part of any written paper is the gap analysis that follows. Being able to analyse the trends across a written paper allows you to plan your follow up lesson based on student focussed evidence. The following gap analysis tool allows you to quickly collect the data into a form (either through student input or teacher input) and produce reports or feed forward activities with relative ease. Click here for a workflow graphic of the QLA process.

Now that you have gained access to the tool, you need to invite your students to this virtual room. There are 3 ways for a student to gain access to the QLA tool (link will remain active for approximately 2 hours):

Click on the link above and paste in MS Teams/Google Classroom for students to be able to access.

Scan the QR code

Ask students to scan the above QR code with their smartphone or tablet device camera.


Enter class code:

Now that students have been added, search for a template (printing the necessary topic test if required) and submit the template to students to input their results. Once completed, you can end the link with students, add any additional students (who potentially didn't have a device) or edit any details that have been entered.


Create a new template

What do the buttons alongside the templates do?

Edit a template
Upload an Excel data file to a template
Submit template to students for live data entry
Download test (topic tests only)

Search for an existing template:

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