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A word cloud displaying word frequency is a powerful classroom tool as it visually highlights the most important or frequently used words in a text. This can help students quickly identify key themes, vocabulary, or concepts. It encourages engagement by making text analysis more interactive and can be used for activities such as summarising content, discussing the significance of certain terms, or identifying patterns in language use. It also caters to visual learners, making abstract ideas more accessible and memorable.

To unlock the full potential of this resource and many more on Maths White Board, purchase a 12 month subscription. To find out more about how you can subscribe, please click the following button for more information.

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Until you have subscribed, you will not be able to produce your own word cloud.

Design your lesson:

Past your text in the box below. Choose between a "black and white" or "coloured" word cloud, then select "Generate Word Cloud". All common high frequency words in the English language will be removed to focus the word cloud on key vocabulary that arises from your passage.

Generate Word Cloud

Reposition any word in the word cloud if you are unhappy, then select the button below to download your word cloud.

Capture and Save

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