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The lesson designer allows you to curate the Maths White Board resources and external sites all in one place. This tool is for those that want a simple way of loading all of your resources in one go (possibly due to teaching in multiple rooms and needing a quick start to a lesson) or sharing a lesson that worked really well with others. To begin, add activities to the lesson plan.

To unlock the full potential of this resource and many more on Maths White Board, purchase a 12 month subscription. To find out more about how you can subscribe, please click the following button for more information.

Click here for more information

Subscribing unlocks all greyed out resources below.

Design your lesson:

To begin, simply add activities to the plan using the '+' symbol below, preview the lesson and then select 'Create lesson' button.

Alternatively, select the Copilot to build the basic outline of your lesson and use these foundations to shape your perfect lesson by adding additional resources.

Maths Copilot Wizard
Dynamically create a lesson

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