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Audio Library

Search for a specific skill/topic:

Algebra vocabulary and understanding
Algebraic proof
Simplify an expression
Algebraic fractions
Change the subject
Identify coordinates in all 4 quadrants
Find and use y = a, x = a and y = x
Find y = mx + c from a graph
Rearranging into the form y = mx + c
Using and exploring y = mx + c
Find the equation of a parallel line
Find the equation of a perpendicular line
Equation of a tangent to a circle
Graphical solutions of equations
Quadratic and cubic functions
Equation of a circle
Area under a graph
Reciprocal functions
Exponential functions
Trigonometry graphs
Solve linear equations (unknown on 1 side, int ans)
Solve linear equations (unknown on 1 side, dec ans)
Solve linear equations (unknown both sides)
Solve linear equations with brackets
Solve rational equations
Expand over a single bracket
Expand 2 or more binomials
Factorise a simple expression
Factorise a quadratic expression
Solve a quadratic by factorising
Solving quadratics in disguise
Complete the square
Solve a quadratic by completing the square
Solve a quadratic by using the formula
Graph transformations
Identify domain and range
Use composite functions
Inverse functions
Read/Represent inequalities on a number line
Solve linear inequalities
Graphical inequalities
Solve quadratic inequalities
Recognise common sequences
Understand linear sequences
Understand geometric sequences
Algebraic sequences
Understand quadratic sequences
Solve linear simultaneous equations
Solve non linear simultaneous equations
Substitute into expressions/formula
Form expressions and equations
Data handling cycle
Calculate a stratified sample
Capture recapture
Two-way tables
Calculate averages from a list
Calculate quartiles from a list
Which average should you use?
Calculate the mode/mean from a frequency table
Calculate the median/IQR from a frequency table
Stem and leaf diagrams
Draw/Interpret a frequency polygon
Draw/Interpret cumulative frequency
Draw/Interpret a box plot
Draw/Interpret a bar chart
Draw/Interpret a composite bar chart
Draw/Interpret a histogram
Construct a pictogram
Construct a pie chart
Interpret a pie chart
Draw/Interpret a scatter graph
PMCC and regression line
Standard deviation
Normal distribution
Confidence intervals
Facebook maths
Place value
Times tables
Commutative, associative and distributive laws
Related calculations
Factors and multiples
Prime factors
Order of operations
Interpret fractions
Equivalent fractions
Reciprocals of numbers
Add or subtract fractions
Write one number as a fraction of another
Fraction of an amount (part i)
Fraction of an amount (part ii)
Multiply or divide fractions
FDP conversion
Order numbers
Efficient use of a calculator
Operate with integers (+ and -)
Operate with integers (x and ÷)
Column multiplication
Short division
Product rule for counting
Operate with decimals (+ and -)
Operate with decimals (x and ÷)
Money problems
Money problems - payment plans
Pay slips
Percentage of an amount
Percentage change
Increase/decrease by a percentage
Reverse percentage
Simple interest
Calculate growth/decay
Student loans
Annual equivalent rate
Basic rules of rounding (inc dp and bounds)
Round to specific sf (inc bounds)
Upper and lower bound calculations
Squares, cubes and roots
Use the laws of indices
Equating bases
Integers with negative/fractional indices
Decimals/fractions with negative/fractional indices
Conversion of standard form
Operate in standard form
Simplify a surd
Operate with surds
Rationalise the denominator
Reading time and tables
Reading scales
Measuring/Drawing angles
Plans and elevations
90°, 180°, and 360° angles
Angles in triangles
Angles in quadrilaterals
Angles on parallel lines
Angles in polygons
Area/Volume scale factors
Similar shapes
Names and properties of polygons
Area of 2D shapes
Reverse area of 2D shapes
Algebraic area of 2D shapes
Area of composite shapes
Perimeter of 2D shapes
Parts of a circle
Circumference of a circle
Area of a circle
Circle theorems
Apply Pythagoras' Theorem
Sine and cosine rules
Area of a triangle (trigonometry)
Trigonometry exact values
Surface area of 3D shapes
Volume of 3D shapes
Volume of complex 3D shapes
Leave your answer in exact form
Probability scale
List outcomes
Calculate simple probabilities
Frequency trees
Mutually exclusive events
Calculate relative/expected frequency
Probabilities of independent events
Probabilities of dependent events
Complete and interpret a venn diagram
Calculate conditional probabilities
Conversion of metric units
Conversion of metric and imperial
Map scales
Compound measures
Simplify a ratio
Interpret ratio as a fraction
Divide a quantity into a given ratio
Multiplicative operations with ratios
Best buys
Currency conversion
Direct proportion
Inverse proportion

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