The eBook generator makes use of the Maths White Board question bank (click here) to bring you bright and informative revision material. Simply select your topics from the list below, print out your eBook or digitally distribute the book to students ( with a unique pack id (generated with each book)!! For each strand and topic, the pages are double paged spread. On one side you will see a worked example or relevant knowledge facts and on the other practice questions. With each worked example or practice question, all answers have also been provided at the back of the book.
You are free to use this resource for your own personal/school use but the eBooks generated should not be commercially distributed. If you want to share this resource, share this page! I will always keep adding and amending topics to ensure that you get the best service.
To unlock the full potential of this resource and many more on Maths White Board, purchase a 12 month subscription. To find out more about how you can subscribe, please click the following button for more information.
Subscribing unlocks all greyed out resources below.
Are you interested in seeing a full demo of this resource? Click the video tutorial below to find out more.
If you already know the pack id of a booklet that you have previously produced, click here to retrieve the pack.
To begin, simply select the topic titles below and then select 'Create eBook'.
When you click "Create eBook", the system will generate your PDF book based on your selections above. To print it, select the print option within your PDF reader and be sure to print pages back to back.
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