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The newsletter generator makes use of all tools on Maths White Board (click here) to bring you bright and informative newsletters. To begin you will select topics that you have recently covered, a topic that needs to be reviewed, a joke/fact, a puzzle and any other important information to make your newsletter... well your own!

You are free to use this resource for your own personal/school use but the newsletters generated should not be commercially distributed. If you want to share this resource, share this page! I will always keep adding and amending the resources to ensure that you get the best service.

To unlock the full potential of this resource and many more on Maths White Board, purchase a 12 month subscription. To find out more about how you can subscribe, please click the following button for more information.

Click here for more information

Subscribing unlocks all greyed out resources below.

Are you interested in seeing a full demo of this resource? Click the video tutorial below to find out more.

Video tutorial

Design your newsletter:

STEP 1: Please provide a title for your newsletter (this will be shown in the header):

STEP 2: Add a custom school image to your newsletter. For the best results, ensure that the file you upload is square and has a high resolution.

Reset image to default image

STEP 3: Select a motivational quote (quotes are limited until you have subscribed):

Refresh quote

STEP 4: Select 2 topics that you have recently covered:








STEP 5: Select a topic that you would like to review (from last topic/month/year):


STEP 6: Select a joke or a fact (jokes and facts are limited until you have subscribed):

Refresh fact
Refresh joke

STEP 7: Select a puzzle or problem to include:

Word search
Facebook Maths problem
Refresh sudoku
Refresh wordsearch
Refresh problem

STEP 8: Any other important announcements:

Please note the newsletter generator does not currently support the rendering of newsletters on iPad/tablet/mobile devices.


Word list and definitions

An alternate angle is this.
A cointerior angle is this.
A corresponding angle is this.

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