The pixel art generator makes use of the Maths White Board question bank (click here). When creating your task, you can select what topics you want and how many questions you want for each specific topic (up to a total of 15). What makes this resource even better is you can choose how hard you want each topic! What makes this resource even even better is that every time you create a task, you will get a FRESH NEW SET OF QUESTIONS! And, did I mention that this is an all-in-one package so comes with the ANSWERS TOO!
To unlock the full potential of this resource and many more on Maths White Board, purchase a 12 month subscription. To find out more about how you can subscribe, please click the following button for more information.
Until you have subscribed, you are limited by what topics you can use to produce your activity sheet.
Are you interested in seeing a full demo of this resource? Click the video tutorial below to find out more.
To begin, choose from the pixel art library or design your pixel art using the grid below.
Next, search the question bank for specific skills. Select the difficulty level of each skill. Select 15 questions across all of your chosen skills. Preview then create the worksheet.
Additional options:
Shuffle questions:
Please note the worksheet generator does not currently support the rendering of worksheets on iPad/tablet/mobile devices.
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